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Boosting open day awareness with paid media


Over the industry standard CTR


Boosting open day awareness with paid media


Over the industry standard CTR


We have a long-standing relationship with Tyne Coast College: a group of colleges in the North East providing higher education to school leavers and adults. 

On this occasion, the TCC team contacted us to help boost enrollment. Two colleges had seen a drop in student enrollment and were finding it challenging to increase sign-ups. 

The colleges wanted our help to boost awareness of taster days and encourage students to sign up and attend. 

To that end, we worked with Tyne Coast College to develop, implement and manage a paid media campaign to help the team reach their objectives while adapting to budget needs.


Strategy developed for social media


Market Research


Development of campaign creative


Tyne Coast College

Tyne Coast College comprises of South Tyneside College, TyneMet, Marine School and Queen Alexandra Sixth Form.

The colleges offer an extensive range of courses for school leavers and adults - including both vocational courses and A-Levels, both preparing young people for the future and helping adults going through a career change or looking to upskill. 

In order to encourage students to enrol, the colleges need to drive awareness of their courses to various target audiences, with a limited budget and resources, while competing with other colleges in the region.


Expanding event visibility

Tyne Coast College Group had seen a drop in curriculum numbers for the current year in two of their colleges, TyneMet and South Tyneside College.

The taster days would give students in the local area, aged 16-18, a feel for the courses the colleges offer, and an opportunity to enrol.

Our campaign needed to create a sense of urgency for the final call and the last chance for students to attend the ‘Get on Event’. The event ran for 2 weeks during the crucial ‘42-day drop out period’ when students are most likely to drop out of their courses.


South Tyneside College

Targeting 16-18 year olds in an engaging and confident tone with a very clear message to ‘sign up now’ for the event.

Why Code Milk?

Tyne Coast College Group has a long-standing relationship with Coffee Design, Code Milk’s sister brand. The team at Coffee Design have helped Tyne Coast College with numerous projects over the years, including a rebrand followed by the development of new websites.

The internal marketing team at Tyne Coast College Group had limited capacity and sought Code Milk’s support to take over the management of their paid activity and campaigns.


An example of the creative we ran with for this campaign, using a tagline that had already had some impact.

The messaging for the ads focused on creating a sense of urgency for the ‘last chance’ for students to enrol.

The campaign also targeted students in the ‘42 day drop out period’ which allowed students who had dropped out of college or weren’t enjoying it to attend a taster day at South Tyneside College or TyneMet.

To help the colleges reach their attendance goals, our main focus was to maximise traffic to the event registration page. With this goal in mind, we tracked Click Through Rate (CTR), impressions, Cost Per Click (CPC) and engagement. By closely monitoring these specific KPIs and analysing the data, we were able to make effective adjustments to the ads in order to maximise results. 


Click-Through Rate (CTR)




Cost Per Click (CPC)




Getting the younger audience’s attention - let alone converting them - can be challenging, especially due to the targeting restrictions for age 16-18 on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

This is where the importance of a strong creative and campaign message can have a considerable impact. The hero video we developed for this campaign, with the message ‘Get on’ the right course for you, really resonated with the local audience and exceeded benchmarks, driving in turn high interest for the enrolment event.
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Over 15%

CTR on Google Network (Benchmark 4.5%)


£0.26 on Paid Search (Benchmark £1.97)


impressions on YouTube


post engagements on Facebook and Instagram


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